- 电视剧
海豹突击队 第七季|海豹突击队最终季
In the final season, Jason Hayes struggles to balance his warrior’s existence with the responsibilities of single fatherhood. Ray Perry, his trusted second in command, questions whether he will be able to leave the battlefield behind as his retirement nears. Dedicated door-kicker Sonny Quinn battles against changing tides as Jason and Ray’s shifting focus means that other teamm...
- 电视剧
海豹突击队 第一季 SEAL Team Season 1
凑军事风的CBS早前预订了以海豹突击队为题材的《海豹突击队 SEAL Team》,这项目由Ben Cavell(编剧)﹑Sarah Timberman及Carl Beverly负责,Chris Chulack执导,讲述海军中一群海豹突击队精英的训练﹑计划,以及如何执行各种高危高风险的 任务。 《识骨寻踪 Bones》主演David Boreanaz将饰演Jason,受尊敬﹑忠诚的他领导着一支海豹突击队,已经经历了起码十多次的部署,该角原本由《疑犯追踪 Person of Interest》主演Jim Caviezel饰演。 Neil Brown Jr. 将饰演Ray,是Jason的突击队中的长期成员,亦是Jason最值得信赖的好友兼队友。于《贝兹旅馆 Bates Motel》中饰演Dylan的Max Thieriot,饰演千禧一代的Clay,身为海豹...
- 电视剧
- 电视剧
海豹突击队 第五季 SEAL Team Season 5
《#海豹突击队# SEAL Team》正式续订第五季。今年稍晚回归时,会先在CBS做特别播出,随后移至新家Paramount+独家上线。