- 电视剧
漂流者 The Castaways
Lori and Erin are on the holiday of a lifetime to Fiji. But after a huge fight, Erin never boards their final flight and the plane never arrives at its destination. Months later, no plane has been found, no survivors discovered. Until now. Each shocking twist will help to reveal the truth about what happened to Lori and the other passengers – a truth that someone on the island ...
- 动漫
鸟儿们的奇幻冒险|Ptice kao mi
In a world tormented by the Horror, the citizens of Birdabad accept the egg-eating tyranny of Kondor and his carrion crew as the price of safety. Gathered in exuberant daily ritual around the great Egguilibrium mechanism, which is tended by the silent owl, Hasan, they unthinkingly trade their eggs for fruit. Hupu, a beautiful and reckless young bird, is determined to save her e...
- 电视剧
四条生命|四生 , 巴金命案 , 巴金凶杀案 , The Barking Murders
本剧原名《巴金命案 The Barking Murders 》,因视角专注于案件中逝去的生命而改名。 故事讲述真实发生过的埃塞克斯郡巴金区命案,以受害者家属的角度描述Stephen Port的一连串犯罪行为,和备受批评的警方调查过程。 强奸犯兼连环杀手Stephen Port在同志交友网站找寻目标,然后对他们下药及强暴,其中有四人因Stephen Port用药过量而死;然而当时头三宗命案明明有着相似性,但警方没有以「连环杀人」的方向调查,故此受害者家属认为警方也得对凶案一再发生而负责。
- 电视剧
约会男女 Dates|拍拖男女 , 我们约会吧
David(Will Mellor 饰)是一个忠厚老实的北方男子,焦灼地等待着迟到的约会对象Mia(奥娜·卓别林 Oona Chaplin 饰),她出现后却说自己突然不想约了,二人陷入僵持局面;Jenny是一名小学老师,跟相亲对象的第一次约会相当顺利,却不小心发现了他的秘密,而她自己也有不可告人的秘密;Erica是一个不敢和家人出柜的女同性恋,约会对象Kate得知她曾经和男人交往后十分生气,原本暧昧的气氛一时陷入尴尬。 《约会男女》描绘了现代社会里一众寂寞男女试图通过“相亲约会”的方式来寻觅真爱的故事,向我们展示了形形色色的恋爱关系。在每一段看似独立却又相互交织的男女关系里,主角们演绎着精彩纷繁的故事,而我们作为观众,总能在这一段段情缘中找到共鸣。